Out There Southern Adventures courses ?
Myself (kneeling) with a group training course in Queenstown
I've spent a huge percent of my life running courses. I was a Mountain Safety Council ( MSC) firearms Instructor and assessor also a MSC Bushcraft instructor. I am a New Zealand Deerstalkers ( NZDA) HUNTS instructor with a Diploma in Outdoor Leadership and currently the South Island NZDA HUNTS assessor. The certification I have allows me to run a range of different courses.
My Diploma.
For a lot of people that are new to hunting or back-country travel getting involved in these types of activities can be a daunting prospect, where do you start? Unless you have parents, siblings or friends that are into these types of activities then you have to join a club but they are only going to run the odd course occasionally.
By engaging Out There Southern Adventures services you can fast track your training for a specific course. For example, you might want to learn about firearms, buying one, what type, calibre, what type of scope etc etc. You might want to do a course on river safety and river crossing. Learn about equipment gear, what type of boots, pack, knife, binoculars etc that best suits your needs.
Instructing a river safety course, about to get wetter.
New to tramping or hiking, learn about packs, gear, equipment, food and cooking gear. Places to go, how to get there and fitness training to make that hike or tramp that much easier.
You might want to learn about bush-craft, navigation, map reading, survival gear, training and first-aid. There is just so much you can learn by getting Out There Southern Adventures to do some training courses with you. Things that would or could take years to learn, you are getting one on one training.
Gear selection, what you really need to carry.
Hunting is a biggie, there is just so much to learn, from firearms selection, gear, stalking techniques, back-country travel, navigation, game species and how to hunt game. Even field butchery, it's all very well shooting an animal but you also need to know how to butcher the animal on the side of a mountain. A butchery course is such a useful skill for the new hunter.
Field butchery, from finding game to processing to eating.
A lot of people that use Out There Southern Adventures services are often new or inexperienced and they are wanting to learn about, let's say, hunting or tramping and so what I am teaching them is a huge range of knowledge and skills over a weekend. They are going to pick up things, tricks and tips that could take years to learn. Doing a course with Out There Southern Adventures will help you hugely.
Doing a course with Out There Southern Adventures, whether field butchery, river safety, firearms or hunting, hiking, tramping. You will learn a huge amount.
If you've got something in mind, get in touch, send me an email or give me a call and we can discuss your needs. I can help increase your knowledge and skills on a huge range of outdoor related topics. I can run courses in Cromwell, Queenstown, Wanaka, Alexandra or travel if there is enough interest.